Thursday, August 07, 2008

Bhaja Govindham - 24

tvayi mayi chaanyatraikO vishnu:
vyartham kupyasi maa sahishnu:
sarvasminn api pasyaatmaanam
sarvatro tstrja bhedaajnaanam

tvayi mayi cha anyatra yEkO vishnu: - In you, in me and everywhere else there is one God - Vishnu.

vyartham - It is vain

kupyasi maa - Do not get angry with me

sahishnu: - Be patient.

sarvasmin api - Everywhere and in everything

pasyati aatmaanam - See the Aatman

sarvatra - Everywhere

tstrja - Leave off

bheda ajnaanam - The ignorance that is the cause for the feeling of difference.

Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!

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