Thursday, June 19, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 22
rathyaakarpata viracita kantha:
punya apunya vivarjita pantha:
yogi yoga niyojita citta:
ramatey balonmattavad eva
rathyaa karpata viracita kantha: - the one who has a body that wears a dress made of rags
punya apunya vivarjita pantha: - whose path is beyond the merits (punya) and demerits (paapa, apunya)
yogi yoga niyojita citta: - whose mind dwells in the merger with Brahman, that Yogi
ramatey balonmattavad eva - who is just like a child and a mad man, he only enjoys.
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 21
punar api jananam punar api maranam
punar api jananee jadarey sayanam
iha samsaarey bahu dustaarey
krpayaa paarey paahi muraarey!
punar api jananam - Taking birth Once again
punar api maranam - Dying once again
punar api jananee jadarey sayanam - then sleeping in the womb of the Mother once again
iha samsaarey bahu dustaarey - this Samsaaram is very extensive and very difficult to cross
krpayaa paarey paahi muraarey! - Oh MuraarEy! Please save me by Your Grace.
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 20
bhagavad giitaa kinchid adeethaa
gangaa jala lava kanikaa peetaa
sakrud api yena muraari samarcaa
kriyathey thasya yamena na charcaa
bhagavad giitaa kinchit adeethaa - If one has studied the Bhagavad Gitaa even a little
Gangaa Jala lava kanikaa peetaa - If one has drunk even a drop of the Gangaa Water
Sakrud api yena muraari samarcaa - If One has worshiped Sri Krishna (Muraari – the destroyer of Mura) even once even by chance
Kriyathey thasya yamena na charchaa - that person does not have to fight with Yama; He will attain Mokshaa.
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Bhaja Govindham - 19
yoga rathO vaa bhoga rathO vaa
sanga rathO vaa sanga viheena:
yasya brahmani ramatEy chittam
nandati nandati nandati eva.
yoga rathO vaa bhoga rathO vaa - One may practise Yoga or one may indulge in enjoyments
sanga rathO vaa sanga viheena: - One may find pleasure in company or in solitude
yasya chittam brahmani ramatEy - Irrespective of these actions, whose mind is always enjoying the Brahman
nandati nandati nandati eva: Only that person is happy, happy and definitely happy
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 18
sura mandhira taru moola nivaasa:
sayya bhoothalam ajinam vaasa:
sarva parigraha bhoga tyaaga:
kasya sukham na karothi viraaga:
Real ascetic's life is explained here:
suru mandhira taru moola nivaasa: - Real ascetic lives in the temples or at the foot of trees
sayya bhoothalam - His bed is plain ground
ajinam vaasa: - His dress is deer skin
sarva parigraha bhoga tyaaga: - He has renounced the desire to acquire anything and their enjoyment
kasya sukham na karothi viraaga: - Do you think such a person of dispassion will not have the ultimate happiness? Only such a person will have the ultimate happiness.
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Bhaja Govindham - 17
kuru te gangaa saagara gamanam
vratha paripaalanam athavaa daanam
jnaana viheena: sarva mathena
mukthim na bhajathi janma satena:
kuru te gangaa saagara gamanam - One may go on pilgrimage to the holy place where Ganga merges with the Sea
vratha paraipaalanam - Or may observe all the religious vows with lot of care
athavaa daanam - Or may offer a lot of gifts as charity
jnaana viheena - But if that person is devoid of Gnaana
mukthim na bhajathi - that person will not gain release from Samsaraa
janma satena - even in hundreds of lifes
sarva mathena - this is the opinion of all people of wisdom
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 16
agrE vahni: prsthe bhaanu
raathrau chubuka samarpitha jaanu:
karathala bhiksa: tarutala vaasa:
tadapi na muncaty aasa paasa:
As an Ascetic a person lives this kind of Life:
agrE vahni: - Fire in the front
prsthe bhaanu: - Sun at the back
raathrau chubuka samaripitha jaanu: - To protect himself from the cold in the night, he keeps his chin stuck to the knees
karathala bhiksa: - he receives alms in his palms
tarutala vaasa: - And lives under the trees
tad api - Yet
na muncaty aasaa paasa: - the bondage of desires does not leave him
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 15
angam gallitam palitham mundam
dasana viheenam jaatham tundam
vrddho yaati grhiitvaa dandam
tadapi na muncaty aasaapindam
angam gallitam - The body has become unsteady
palitham mundam - The head has turned gray
dasana viheenam jaatham tundam - The mouth has been rendered toothless
vrddho yaati grhiitvaa dandam - The old man is moving around with the help of a stick
Tad api na muncaty aasaapindam - Yet the group of desires does not leave
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 14
Jatilo mundi lunchita kesa:
Kaasaayaambara bahukrta vesa:
Pasyannapi ca na pasyati moodho
Hyudara nimittam bahukrta vesa:
Jatilo mundi lunchita kesa: - One person has knotted his hairs in a matted lock. Another one has shaved his hairs.
Kaasaayaambara bahukrta vesa: - Yet another one is wearing saffron colored clothes and disguises himself as a mendicant.
Pasyannapi ca na pasyati moodho - All these fools have eyes that do not see the truth
Hyudara nimittam bahukrta vesa: - Indeed all these disguises are for the sake of the belly.
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 13
Kaa te Kaantaa Dhana Gata Chintaa
Vaatula Kim Tava Naasti Nivantaa
Trijagati Sajjana Sangatir Ekaa
Bhavati Bhavaarnava Tarane Naukaa
Kaa te kaantaa dhana gata chintaa - Why worry about wife, wealth etc
Vaatula - O Crazy One
kim tava naasti nivantaa - Dont you have any other refuge?
Trijagati - In all three worlds
sajjana sangatir ekaa - it is only the association of good people
bhavati bhava aarnava taranE naukaa - that can serve as a boat that will help to cross the sea of Birth and Death
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Friday, June 06, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 12
dinayaaminyau saayam praata:
sisira vasantau punar aayaata:
kaala: kreedati gaccathi aayu:
tad api na munchati aasaa vaayu:
dina yaaminyau - days and nights
saayam praata: - dusks and dawns
sisira vasantau - autumns and springs
punar aayaata: - come again and again
kaala: kreedati - time is sporting like anything
gaccathi aayu: - and life is fleeting
tad api na munchati aasaa vaayu: - yet one does not leave the winds of Desire.
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 11
maa kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam
harathi nimEshaath kaala: sarvam
maayaamayam idam akilam hithvaa
brahmapadam tvam pravisa viditvaa
maa kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam - Do not be proud of wealth, friends, relatives and youth
harathi nimEshaath kaala: sarvam - Time can kill all these things in a moment
mayaamayam idam akilam - This whole world is impermenant and an illusion
hithvaa - So, leaving that aside
brahmapadam tvam pravisa - enter into the Brahman
viditvaa - after knowing It
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Pray Govindhaa!
Bhaja Govindham - 10
Vayasi Gate Ka: Kaama Vikaara:
Suskey Neerey Ka: Kaasaara:
Kseeney Vittey Ka: Parivaara:
Jnaathey Tattvey Ka: Samsaara:
Vayasi Gate Ka: Kaama Vikaara: - When Youth is gone, where are the lustful plays?
Suskey Neerey Ka: Kaasaara: - When the Water has evaporated, where are the lake-living-beings, birds and animals?
Ksheeney Vittey Ka: Parivaara: - When Money is gone, where are the friends and relatives?
Jnaathey Tattvey Ka: Samsaara: - When the Truth is known, where is the Samsaara?
Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 9
Sath Sangathvey Nissangathvam
Nissangathvey Nirmohathvam
Nirmohathvey Nischalatathvam
Nischalatathvey Jeevan Mukthi:
Sath Sangathvey Nissangathvam - Nonattachment arises from the attachment and company of good people
Nissangathvey Nirmohathvam - Freedom from delusion arises from Nonattachment.
Nirmohathvey Nischalathatvam - Steadfastness (unwavering mind) arises from the delusionlessness.
Nischalathatvey Jeevan Mukthi: - Liberation for the soul arises from the Steadfastness.
Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa!
Bhaja Govindham - 8
Kaa te Kaantaa Kaste Putra:
Samsaaroyam Ateevaa Vicitra:
Kasya Tvam Ka: Kuta Aayaata:
Tatthvam Cintaya tad iha, Bhraata:
Kaa te Kaantaa - Who is your wife?
Ka: te Putra: - Who is your son?
Samsaara Iyam Ateevaa Vicitra: - This worldly life is indeed extremely wonderful; it deludes even the most wise ones.
Kasya Tvam - To whom do you belong?
Ka: - Who are you?
Kuta Aayaatha: - Wherefrom have you come?
Tad Iha Tatthvam Cintaya, Bhraata: - Think about that Truth here now, Oh Brother.
Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa!
Bhaja Govindham - 7
Baalastaavat Kridaa sakta:
Taruna staavat Tarunee Sakta:
Vrddha staavat Chintaa sakta:
Parey Brahmani Kopi na sakta:
Baalastaavat Kridaa sakta: - As a kid, a person is more attached to the playful activities and spends all time in sports.
Tarunastaavat Tarunee sakta: - At the Young age, the same person is attached to the opposite gender and spends all the time in attracting the opposite sex.
Vrddhastaavat Chintaa sakta: - At the old age, the same person is occupied with worries and spends all the time in those worries.
Parey Brahmani Ka api na sakta: - Alas, why no one has time to think of the Supreme God at any time in the life?
Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 6
Yaavat Pavano Nivasati Dehey
Taavat Prcchati Kusalam Gehey
Gatavati Vaayau Dehaapaaye
Bhaaryaa Bibhyati tashmin Kaayey
Yaavat - As long as
Pavano Nivasati Dehey - there is breath in the body
Taavat - so long only
Prcchati Kusalam Gehey - people in your house will ask about your welfare
Gatavati Vaayau Dehaapaaye - Once the breath leaves the body
Bhaaryaa Bibhyati Tashmin Kaayey - Even the wife, who embraced that body many times, would be afraid of that lifeless body
Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Bhaja Govindham - 5
Yaavad Vitto Paarjana Sakta:
Taavan Nija Parivaaro Rakta:
Paschaat Jeevati Jarjara Dehe
Vaartaam Kopi na Prchchati Gehe
Yaavad - As long as
Paarjana Sakta: - you have the ability to earn
Vitto - Wealth
Taavan - So long only
Nija Parivaaro Rakta: - will your friends and relatives will be attached to you.
Paschaat - Later
Jeevathi - when you live in (with)
Jarjara Dehey - infirm aged body (which has lost the ability to earn)
Ko api na - no one
prchchati - will ask
Vaartaam - 'How are you?' (no one will care about you)
Gehe - even those who lived on you at your home.
Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa!
Bhaja Govindham - 4
Nalinee dala gata Jalam atitaralam
tadvath Jeevitam athisaya chapalam
viddhi vyaadhyabhimaana grastam
lokam sokahatam ca samastam
Nalinee dala gata Jalam - The water stays over the Lotus leaf
Atitaralam - is very unsteady
Tadvath - Similarly
Jeevitham - Life is also
athisaya chapalam - extremely unstable
Viddhi - Know that
Lokam Samastam - the whole world
grastham - is devoured by
Vyaadhy - disease
Abhimaana - Self-centeredness
cha - and
hatam - smitten (and killed) by
Sokam - Sorrow
Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa! Pray Govindhaa!
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